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Challenges about Budgeting and Grocery Shopping

Budgeting and grocery shopping is one of the best ways to trim down your monthly expenses and daily spending- but there are dozens of challenges out there- especially the advice that is ultimately unrealistic. Here is a list of budgeting and grocery shopping challenges and how you can make them realistic strategies to save on grocery shopping! Challenges about Budgeting and Grocery Shopping Challenge #1- Unrealistic Research I've spent a lot of time scouring Pinterest and have not felt entirely satisfied with the results. Some articles seem too unreasonable to be applicable. More often than not, it comes down to unrealistic costs of groceries . For example, I cannot find 1 gallon of milk at my local Walmart for $1. And our Dollar Tree out in Montana doesn't have a grocery section- we do have a freezer section, but it is only 2-3 doors of frozen dinners. And our bread and produce is not as cheap as the other articles. What I have done to get around this challeng...

The Summer and Fall Schedule

- We're Moving!

Here’s the deal: I have 1 month and 27 days to purge and pack, and move to Bozeman. (I have a countdown to August 15, 2016). Then school starts August 29th and I wanna get the semester off to a good start, so I am gonna ‘leave’ you all for a few weeks, but fear not! I am gonna share old posts that are perfect for starting fall academic years, from getting along with your roommate, to setting aside some school supplies that’ll be perfect to bring to your first day of classes, to knowing what sort of things will fit in your dorm closet- those thing are tiny! As I have said before, I was really sad when I first saw my dorm closet. I could have cried if I hadn't been so busy.

Anywho, I have to purge my house- except for some of Kyler’s stuff, I am not allowed to….But everything else I have free reign on. So from this week’s post and until October 1st, there will be 2 series sets: Purging and Moving, and then on October 1st I will be back with a post describing how I am gonna manage decorating a tiny Family & Graduate Housing apartment (*cross your fingers that we get one*). The units are all so tiny that we won’t be able to bring our couches or steal the other ones Kyler’s parents have in their basement… So I have some tricks up my sleeve and some crazy awesome ideas that I hope to share with you in October.
On the Saturdays between today and July 16th, I have 5 posts to share about Purging the Home: The Closet, Bathroom, Office, School Supplies, and Books, Nooks & Crannies. From July 23rd to either August 6th or 13th, I will share 2 or 3 posts about having a easy-breezy, organized move. *Again, cross your fingers for that one.* And then I will be back in October!!

Let’s Begin!


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