The Closet!
As you know, I have epilepsy. To treat that I take 2 meds and one of them is called depakote, two of its side effects for women is increased appetite and weight gain. My neurologist wasn't the least bit worried about those side effects. When I first started the medication I was 90-95 pounds, no matter how much I ate or how much I tried to eat, I hadn’t gained weight since the 10th grade.
The few weeks after I started the medication, I was starving, ravenous. I ate at least six meals a day. Mostly sandwiches….Like Experiment 625. I slowly started gaining happy weight and feeling better. People can actually tell over the phone that I am getting better...But then came the sad when suddenly (to me) my clothes weren’t fitting. 0_0
It was a sad day. I was wearing my favorite skinny jeans and they wouldn’t stop biting into my hips and I could sit comfortably in my desk chair, so I left the office to change...Next thing I know, I have TEN PAIRS OF PANTS tossed haphazardly on my bed and the floor and I am scrambling for the next pair. I ended up having to get rid of ten pairs of pants, 2-3 pairs of shorts, 2 skirts and some dresses and a handful of shirts because my boobs have gotten bigger too. PS, I still feel awkward in my new slightly bigger body. … Embarrassing and illogical, but it’s out there ladies!
I gave most of my old clothes to a friend’s daughter, she’s 14 and turns out some stuff fitted her, and I just told my friend that what she didn’t want or fit in, she could just pass it forward to the next girl who needed them. I usually give my clothes to my sisters, but my 19 year old sister is taller than me, and slightly 14 year old sister is like almost six foot, so those two are out, my youngest sister (she’s 11) but is getting to be almost too big for my clothes too…so I ran out of sisters to give my clothes to.
How did I end up being the smallest? Whatever.
If we are in Family Housing, we are also gonna need to share a closet.
Our current apartment has two closets in the master bedroom, I have the main one, and Kyler has the one that shuts because he keeps it like this ALL THE TIME.
And I don’t want to ever have to see it. So:
We are getting rid of clothes that don’t fit, and aren’t used or in good condition. It’s being tossed or donated.
We are gonna learn to share a closet like the one above. It's so pretty! I wonder how long it will stay organized with my husband's stuff in it...
I wish I had more pictures to share about how I am getting rid of my clothes but this is the best I can do since I already got rid of all the jeans and stuff.
Does it fit? - Don’t worry about the tag size, I know that the number or letter is hard to ignore, but if it fits comfortably, that’s the way it’s gonna fit you best and make you look your best.
When did you wear it last?- Be serious.
Can you actually wear 1-3 outfits with this article of clothing? - I find this really helpful even when I am out clothes shopping. I am too eager to throw a shirt or sweater into my cart when I am at Ross without even considering if it’s something I will actually feel comfortable to wear and if I actually have stuff at home that can be added to this skirt or those shorts and turned into something. Otherwise, it’s sorta pointless to have.
Does it have any holes and/or stains? - I have this MSU sweatshirt- oh, well two actually, but the first: has quite a lot of pink stains randomly on the sweatshirt but it’s so comfy and I thought I could hide spots with a vest or whatnot, but I guess it’s just gonna stay in the closet….Or should I toss it… -.-
How long have you had this thing? - I have had shirts for 5 years and then they finally fit me.. This might be a bad example, because I actually try to keep some of my pretty clothes that I love just in case they some day fit me! And it’s happened a few times, it’s quite promising. But it’s usually tops and sweaters...If you have pants that are too big, DONATE. It’s super likely that they aren’t gonna fit you anytime soon, and someone could really use them. So why not?
How worn out is it? - This has the time stamp all over it. Socks? Are they missing their friend, do they have holes or parts on the soles that are about to become holes? Toss it!
Do you love it? - Like seriously?
Happy Purging!
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