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Challenges about Budgeting and Grocery Shopping

Budgeting and grocery shopping is one of the best ways to trim down your monthly expenses and daily spending- but there are dozens of challenges out there- especially the advice that is ultimately unrealistic. Here is a list of budgeting and grocery shopping challenges and how you can make them realistic strategies to save on grocery shopping! Challenges about Budgeting and Grocery Shopping Challenge #1- Unrealistic Research I've spent a lot of time scouring Pinterest and have not felt entirely satisfied with the results. Some articles seem too unreasonable to be applicable. More often than not, it comes down to unrealistic costs of groceries . For example, I cannot find 1 gallon of milk at my local Walmart for $1. And our Dollar Tree out in Montana doesn't have a grocery section- we do have a freezer section, but it is only 2-3 doors of frozen dinners. And our bread and produce is not as cheap as the other articles. What I have done to get around this challeng...

Words for Research Project

Words & Phrases

This semester, I have been taking Writing 201, College Writing II. This particular class, is focussing on research writing. We were all to pick a research topic that would be found in our program’s career field. Everyone had stuff like sports management, criminal science or sociology, so they picked research topics such as should all college athletes be paid? There is a friend of mine, who is working towards a degree in Math Education and she is going to focus on CORE curriculum.
I, on the other hand, am the only English major in the class. For days, I had poured into Google results, looking for something that someone with an English degree would find worth writing and researching. All the results kept coming up with stuff for English, or Education and then even just doing a Literature Review; I would have happily written a literature review. But sadly, it had to be an academic based research project. I happily chose book banning.  
And then I ran into a different problem: finding results that advocate for banning of books. But that’s another story.
As the class was becoming familiar with APA citation and other rhetoric skills that one needs to write a successful research project, we wrote many exercises that slowly has built on top of each other. With each different assignment, we have had to write analyses to our sources, and I have found that everything has been repeating. And I got tired of using the same few words when talking about and reporting and summarizing the sources information. It wasn’t until a couple nights ago, I had the idea to start writing all the different phrases I try my best to break off to instead of using the phrases supplies, and provides, it was really pissing me offf- which you all can see, because of the word choice I just used.
But! For those of you who start swimming in a pool of words that have been overused within your work, here are the words and phrases that I jotted down the other night as I was writing one of my critical reads turned annotation for my bibliography:

Agitate-and variations

Although & Therefore

Approach-and variations


Broad- in terms of views and perspective

But not limited to…

Characteristic-and variations

Claim-and variations

Concern-and variations

Defend-and variations


Describe-and variations

Direct- and variations

Disgruntle-and variations

Explain-and variations

Express-and variations

Glance-and variations



Include-and variations



Narrow- in terms of views and perspective

Object-and variations


Partial (one’s opinion leans towards: I am partial to Hemingway's work compared to Plath’s work)

Passion-and variations


Point of View

Progress-and variations (progression & progressed)

Provide-and variations

Regress- and variations


Show-and variations

Showcase-and variations


Supply-and variations


Variable-and variations
(If you are arguing banned books, first you need to define banned vs. challenged, and explain the reasons for banning/challenging books in detail. The variables are the reasons and the words banning and challenging.)

Within my research...


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