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Challenges about Budgeting and Grocery Shopping

Budgeting and grocery shopping is one of the best ways to trim down your monthly expenses and daily spending- but there are dozens of challenges out there- especially the advice that is ultimately unrealistic. Here is a list of budgeting and grocery shopping challenges and how you can make them realistic strategies to save on grocery shopping! Challenges about Budgeting and Grocery Shopping Challenge #1- Unrealistic Research I've spent a lot of time scouring Pinterest and have not felt entirely satisfied with the results. Some articles seem too unreasonable to be applicable. More often than not, it comes down to unrealistic costs of groceries . For example, I cannot find 1 gallon of milk at my local Walmart for $1. And our Dollar Tree out in Montana doesn't have a grocery section- we do have a freezer section, but it is only 2-3 doors of frozen dinners. And our bread and produce is not as cheap as the other articles. What I have done to get around this challeng...

Realistic Resolutions for The Twenty Somethings

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all enjoyed Christmas and received and gave more than presents (even though those things are always awesome). Welcome 2016!

Every year, I spend like forever planning, writing, and then rewriting my NYR and also writing a step by step plan as to how I will accomplish said resolutions...After like a week or something, they are all forgotten and I am on my way back to my usual habits of eating pizzas with my husband and losing focus in classes despite the fact that I want a 4.0….. This year I realized that there is a way to simplify NYR without having to make a long, thought out, and unrealistic resolution list for the upcoming year.

First thing’s first: Make a go-to motto! 2016 is for ME, my health and my heart.
I need to grow in a few ways as an adult that is more than just being responsible. I am plenty responsible compared to others my age but there is another part of me that I just haven’t yet found and this year I am gonna get it by following my 2016 motto.
So let’s just be real.

  1. Take Care of Yourself. Between housework, school and work, it’s easy to forget to take care of yourself. I’ve been learning this the hard way. It makes things rather ineffective. The only way I can be truly productive is if I actually take the time to actually “turn off” and take some time for myself- and that includes WITHOUT thinking about all the things I will need to do the entire time I am trying to relax…..oops! This one will be tough.

  2. Budget. A budget in your twenties can be one of the most difficult things to do. 2015 was rough for Kyler and I but luckily I found this saving plan on Pinterest this morning. It’s simple enough that we should actually be able to save up, and good for us cuz we’re moving to Bozeman midsummer for school! AND it should be enough to make our sad little savings about grow a little happier.
  3. Be a bit more adventurous. This one is a really hard one for me. I am too scared to go off and try things by myself- I am afraid to get lost or whatever a lot of the time but THIS year I shall be brave! I WILL hike and explore! I will command myself to go out of the house and walk through the area and experience all the things my area has to offer- and MT has quite a bit to offer, especially with GNP.

  4. Make 2016 about YOU, your heart and your health. If you need/want to, forget all about the stuff I just wrote above (it’d make me feel good if you didn’t and took what I said to heart, but whatever). This year, make it a year to grow, grow and grow. This motto can cover so many bases that you won’t need to remember this long list of what you want to check off in every department of life. Make this year a strong and a good one! I wish you good luck for 2016! Rock ‘n’ Roll!

Happy New Year!


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